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ARCh - Assisted Reading for Children - is an Oxford-based charity whose mission is to impart a love of reading to disadvantaged children in Oxfordshire, enhancing their lives and improving their life chances.

We need people who can volunteer with us in a local primary school. You'll spend half an hour each with 2 or 3 children, each week during term time. Sharing books, games and chatting encouraging and inspiring a long term love of reading, builds confidence and ability whilst having fun.

Working in partnership with ARCh will combine staff development with community outreach, using an established training and placement programme to achieve maximum impact. ARCh provides initial and follow-up training for employees taking part, plus support and resources over the year following introduction to a school.

We promise an efficient, effective and flexible service to match your company’s needs and the needs of children in your local community.

For more information on Employer Supported Volunteering please contact Hannah at Team Oxford